Frequently Asked Questions

Is Turkey safe?

Depends. Please read the travel advisory section. The answer is “Yes” if you stick to western Turkey.

Why have a wedding in Turkey with all the terrorist attacks?

We choose not to let terror control our lives and things we would like to do.

I’m convinced. What should I wear?

Men: Nice suits. Family should wear tuxedos.

Women: Dress to look better than the bride. Both henna night and the wedding are fancy events.

What should I pack?

Pack as if you are going to California. It’s will be very warm. Light clothes, swimsuits, sandals and flipflops, hats, sunglasses, sunscreen, and formal wear. Most historical places like mosques and churches, as well as certain palaces will require modesty. You cannot enter with a tank top and shorts above knees. This rule is true for both males and females. Pack clothes accordingly.

We will be there during Ramadan. Will I starve? 

No. To be fair, very few people in Adana fasts during Ramadan. It’s too warm and summer days are too long. Not to mention young population of Adana is simply not interested in fasting.

Will I like Turkish food? Is there a McDonalds? 

Yes and yes. Alex likes Turkish food, odds are you will too.

Should I rent a car and drive around?

If you are an American, no you should not rent a car and drive. Traffic is crazy and rules are different, no need for the stress. Cabs are cheap enough! If you are an Indian, Egyptian or an Iranian, yes. By all means, drive.

Should I be terrified of car rides? 

Yes but don’t show fear! Cab drivers feed on it. Contact Alex for relevant story.

When will you be in Turkey? Can I come with you guys? 

We are flying out June 18th. You are more than welcome to join us during our trip. Contact us for more info and itinerary.